Saturday, 15 June 2019

Lawyer in Islamabad

If you are looking for a lawyer in Islamabad you can contact and consult us regarding your legal query. We offer free consultation session for the first time. Just take an appointment at 03335339880 and take a free opinion from one of our attorneys.

We have expert lawyers in all fields of law. We can assist you in Family Cases, Guardianship and Custody Cases, Divorce and Khula Cases, Corporate Matters, Civil Cases, Criminal Cases, Aviation Cases, Arbitration Matters, Contracts, Agreements, Banking Matters and in all other kinds of legal queries.

Feel free to consult us anytime.

Salman Yousaf Khan (Golra)
International Lawyer

Best Lawyer in Islamabad

We deal in Family Cases, Guardianship Cases, Civil Cases, Criminal Cases, Aviation Cases, High Court Cases, Legal Drafting, Legal Opinions, Contracts, Arbitration and so on.

We are based in Islamabad, Pakistan. However we deal in cases globally. We have teams of young and energetic lawyers working professionally in all spheres of legal profession. If you are looking for a lawyer in Islamabad you can contact us anytime.

Salman Yousaf Khan (Golra)
International Lawyer

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

In how much time a Family Case gets decided?

According to section 12-A of the West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 a Family Case shall be decided within six months. However, there are different kinds of Family Cases and not every case is decided within six months. Most cases get decided in 3-4 months while some cases even take years at times.

Generally "Suit for Dissolution of Marriage on the grounds of Khula" and "Suit for Restitution of Conjugal Rights" is decided within 6-7 hearings which takes almost 3-4 months time. However, the cases for recovery of dowry articles, recovery of Haq Mehar (Dower Amount), Child Custody and Guardianship matters take more than a year generally.

A suit for maintenance sometimes take very less time and sometimes it takes longer time to get decided. However, a good thing about suit for maintenance is that the order for interim maintenance can be taken at initial stages of the case and the defendant is liable to submit such maintenance amount once its ordered by the court.

For more expert opinion on the family cases you can consult

Salman Yousaf Khan (Golra)
International Family Lawyer